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I had the opportunity to test the game for several hours and I find that the fluidity of movement is good, the same goes for shooting with the weapons, which I find very intuitive. Personally, I'm tired of open worlds, which I feel have been too prevalent in the past 10 years, but setting that aside, this game is very enjoyable and has a bright future ahead of it. I cannot offer criticism on the design and animation since it's a very early project. I'm looking forward to following the development further and participating in other playtests.

Hello Thomas,

I really appreciate you taking the time to write a thorough review of the demo! I am excited that you were able to play for several hours, I hope those hours were enjoyable! 

I do agree the open world genre has been overdone the past several years, however with this project I hope that we can pull off a more enjoyable open world experience since I feel this project does lend itself to a more spacious world but I do plan on adding a story that hopefully gives the player more purpose and something to achieve along with side objectives. This is very much a work in progress idea since the core of the game will be a survival zombie shooter focused on exploration, but the idea of a story and objectives alongside is exciting.

As for more updates on what is to come there is a roadmap/ devlog linked under 'development log' if you would like to see what is to come!

Again thank you for providing some feedback Thomas! I would love to continue hearing your thoughts throughout development!

-Project Horizon Games

Leave any comments, suggestions, or criticism here, I hope you all enjoy the demo! More updates to come soon! Be sure to follow the youtube channel to keep up with weekly devlogs every Thursday.